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Art VS entertainment? Style over content?
Schindler's List or Weekend at Bernie's?!!
Two film fans in Birmingham, England.
One is a chin stroker.
The other is a punter.
Discussion ensues....

Oct 7, 2024

On the audio version of the latest ep of ChinStroker VS Punter Paul and Mike talk about A WHOLE LOAD of what they have been watching including:

Episode timings:

00:00 - Intro
01:08 - Rings of Power
19:51 - The Films of Powell and Pressburger
26:04 - The Lone Gunmen
35:20 - Final Destination
42:42 - Nothin But a Good Time: The Uncensored History of Hair Metal
54:20 - Night of the Comet
01:03:040 - Gary
01:12:08 - The Creation of the Humanoids

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Check out Mike's other show  The Rewatch Project

Check out Mike's new video series covering 80's action TV shows Rolling Thunder

Feedback appreciated at and hang with us on facebook

Video version of the podcast available on the Chin Stroker VS Punter YouTube Channel