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Art VS entertainment? Style over content?
Schindler's List or Weekend at Bernie's?!!
Two film fans in Birmingham, England.
One is a chin stroker.
The other is a punter.
Discussion ensues....

Feb 20, 2021

Mike from Chin Stroker VS Punter speaks to Jamie Benning, the director, producer and editor of Star Wars Begins, Building Empire, Returning to Jedi, Raiding the Lost Ark and Inside Jaws; documentary repurposings of your favourite blockbusters.This interview is part of the FAN/CREATOR series of videos, podcasts and articles over at​ where we celebrate the positive face of fandom with conversations with ‘fandom creators’ who have turned their hobby into works in their own right.

Visit​ for all your pop-culture podcasts, articles and videos. Find Jamie’s work at

Should be a new regular ep of CvsP next week (Paul is sick).